Hip Hop!
Last week Wednesday our whole school started hip hop! When it was our turn to go to hip hop we got into a circle and did some stretches. Our dance teacher, Millie, got my class into 4 lines and did follow the leader while dancing to music. The person who was in the front of the line was the leader they could do any move they wanted to do. Millie would say "FREEZE" then all of us would freeze. After freezing you would move to the back of the line then the other person would do another dance move then it would keep going. After around 20 minutes we stopped. We did this cool thing called 'reflections.' Basically what you do is you get into pairs then 1 pair does a dance move and the other person has to copy your dance move. Then you had to freeze with the same pose. After it was your turn it would be your buddy's turn. When all of us finished, Millie split our class room into 2 groups and we did.... Paper, Scissors Rock! However, there was a twist - Paper was a dance move and so was Scissors and Rock. My team got 2 wins and the other team got.... none!! After that there was Orienteering but that's not the topic today I will leave that for another day. Thanks for checking my blog out and remember one thing - I always say "blog you later!"